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Mosquito Control After Hurricanes, Floods and Disease Outbreaks

Since our work responding to the first U.S. outbreak of West Nile Virus in 1999, Hga010皇冠软件下载在疾病和天气紧急情况下的蚊子控制行动方面建立了一个可靠的记录,远远超过了其他人. It is why federal, 州和地方政府一再依赖Hga010皇冠软件下载在飓风过后采取行动, 洪水, natural disaster or mosquito-borne disease outbreak.

Aerial night spray

A Service Partner of Choice for Mosquito-Borne Disease Outbreak Response

当东部马脑炎(EEE)病例在美国的几个地区激增时.S. in 2019 and again in 2020, Hga010皇冠软件下载被要求通过几项空中灭蚊应用来保护公众健康, treating more than 3.200万英亩,横跨马萨诸塞州,罗德岛州和密歇根州.

和, 2016年,迈阿密戴德县出现了当地第一例寨卡病例, Hga010皇冠软件下载 was on the ground there providing essential operational support.

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When hurricanes, 洪水ing or a sudden outbreak of mosquito borne diseases occur, 一个安全可靠的应急方案的快速反应变得至关重要.”

picture of Hga010皇冠软件下载 Wood in helicopter
Clark Wood
Vice President, Service Operations
close up of a mosquito

Mosquito Control After a Weather Event

在飓风或洪水等严重风暴事件之后,要控制蚊子, unchecked mosquito populations can severely limit first response, utility restoration, and other essential clean-up activities in impacted communities.

Hga010皇冠软件下载经常被无数政府机构要求提供紧急蚊子控制响应计划,以减少成年蚊子的数量和/或防止繁殖蚊子孵化为飞行, biting adults.

Some of our more significant response efforts are reflected below:

Disaster relief, 洪水ed area

西尼罗病毒(蚊子和人类病例)在纽约市首次得到确认.S. 历史. Working directly with Centers of Disease Control, Hga010皇冠软件下载受聘于纽约市应急管理办公室,负责提供紧急应对措施,控制蚊子数量,减轻疾病的进一步传播.


芝加哥市经历了西尼罗病毒的大爆发,Hga010皇冠软件下载提供了紧急地面响应,以控制人口并减轻疾病的进一步传播.  We respond again for Chicago on West Nile outbreaks in 2003 and 2007.


South Dakota suffers an outbreak of West Nile Virus. Within just four days of being contacted, Hga010皇冠软件下载 began treating 110,000 acres to protect public health.


联邦紧急事务管理局与Hga010皇冠软件下载签订合同,处理佛罗里达州受飓风影响的400多万英亩土地, Frances, 伊凡, and Jeanne).


Hga010皇冠软件下载为佛罗里达州300多万英亩的蚊子和苍蝇控制提供空中ULV应用, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 并为马里科帕县(亚利桑那州)的西尼罗河疫情提供地面应急方案。.


More than 500,马萨诸塞州州长宣布东部马脑炎进入紧急状态后,仅两个晚上就有1000英亩的土地接受了治疗.


Hga010皇冠软件下载 is called into action and responds to the Texas West Nile Virus outbreak in just four days.


Hga010皇冠软件下载 answers the call to respond to the U.S. 寨卡病毒在迈阿密戴德县爆发并与迈阿密戴德蚊虫控制部门合作了超过12周,完成了250多起,000 door-to-door inspections, support resident education and public relations, 并完成地面和空中控制治疗,以根除寨卡在当地的传播.


飓风哈维和厄玛在几周内先后袭击了德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州. Hga010皇冠软件下载 responds within days to both disaster zones with teams, supplies and equipment, 并在9月份向这两个州提供治疗,总计近400万英亩. Hga010皇冠软件下载 is also on the ground in Brownsville, Texas for over six weeks, 为高风险社区提供强有力的寨卡病毒预防计划,以保护公众健康.




东部马脑炎(EEE)的持续高水平困扰着美国的几个州. Hga010皇冠软件下载 partners with the states of Massachusetts, 在疫情高峰期的几个月里,罗德岛州和密歇根州支持多种空中应用, ultimately treating more than 2.7 million acres across those three states.


密歇根州经历了另一轮东部马脑炎(EEE)病例, 并再次邀请Hga010皇冠软件下载在该州的高风险地区提供有针对性的空中蚊虫控制治疗,以防止生命损失,保护人类健康. Hga010皇冠软件下载 treats more than 450,000 acres.

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